The Primary Planner
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Welcome to The Primary Planner! Here are some ideas to help get your creative juices flowing as you plan meaningful primary activities. Please share your ideas by posting comments!!!
Friday, January 12, 2018
Coming Soon!
Coming soon! In February 2018, new posts for the new year! Check back for helps and free printables.
Friday, May 3, 2013
May 2013
Prophets Teach Us to Live the Restored Gospel
“Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7).
Week 1: The living prophet leads the Church under the direction of Jesus Christ.
Attention activity / Identify the Doctrine:
Ask a child to come and be your helper. Whisper to the child to tell the primary a simple action to do. (For example: pat knees, roll hands, snap, wave, pat head, cover your eyes, smile big, etc) After they do the first action, whisper to your helper another action for him/her to tell the primary to do. Tell them one at a time. Repeat a few times. Thank the child and ask, how did you know what I wanted you to do? (answer: he/she told us) Point to the picture of the prophet and explain that he is the President of the Church and we should follow what he asks us to do. Ask: “Who does the prophet follow?” Show a picture of Jesus Christ, and explain that the prophet works under His direction.
Encouraging Understanding:
Show the primary the recent conference issue of the Ensign or the Liahona. Explain to them that in general conference, the prophet teaches us what Jesus Christ wants us to do. Place the picture of Jesus on one side of the board and the the picture of the prophet right underneath. Have the foot prints leading to the pictures like they are following them. Tell the children we are going to take turns picking a foot print. On each foot print is a message from conference. After we read it, you tell us a way we can do what is on the footprint. (You can always open it to the group to help the child or develop the answer more.)
If you think you will have time left over, it always takes longer if you hide them around the room or have them pick a foot print from the floor or something.
link to print foot prints with quotes on them:
printable foot prints with quotes
-you can use your own foot prints by tracing a foot or shoe and attach these or print from the link.
Conference quotes:
The Lord loves us and wants us to understand His willingness
Ask a child to come and be your helper. Whisper to the child to tell the primary a simple action to do. (For example: pat knees, roll hands, snap, wave, pat head, cover your eyes, smile big, etc) After they do the first action, whisper to your helper another action for him/her to tell the primary to do. Tell them one at a time. Repeat a few times. Thank the child and ask, how did you know what I wanted you to do? (answer: he/she told us) Point to the picture of the prophet and explain that he is the President of the Church and we should follow what he asks us to do. Ask: “Who does the prophet follow?” Show a picture of Jesus Christ, and explain that the prophet works under His direction.
Encouraging Understanding:
Show the primary the recent conference issue of the Ensign or the Liahona. Explain to them that in general conference, the prophet teaches us what Jesus Christ wants us to do. Place the picture of Jesus on one side of the board and the the picture of the prophet right underneath. Have the foot prints leading to the pictures like they are following them. Tell the children we are going to take turns picking a foot print. On each foot print is a message from conference. After we read it, you tell us a way we can do what is on the footprint. (You can always open it to the group to help the child or develop the answer more.)
If you think you will have time left over, it always takes longer if you hide them around the room or have them pick a foot print from the floor or something.
link to print foot prints with quotes on them:
printable foot prints with quotes
-you can use your own foot prints by tracing a foot or shoe and attach these or print from the link.
Conference quotes:
A knowledge of truth and the answers to our
greatest questions come to us as we are obedient
to the commandments of God. -Pres. Monson
Teach yourself and teach your families about the gift
of the Holy Ghost and the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
You will do no greater eternal work than within the walls
of your own home.
-Boyd K. Packer
We are under covenant both to lift up those in need
and to be witnesses of the Savior as long as we live.
Pres. Eyring
Doing all we can to invite the gentle, guiding influence
of the Holy Ghost into our lives is critical in our attempts
to center our homes on the Savior. -Richard G. Scott
Now is your time to prepare to teach others about the
goodness of God.
- Russel M. Nelson
...when doubt or difficulty come, do not be afraid to
ask for help.
-Jeffery R. Holland
...spiritual light rarely comes to those who merely sit in
darkness waiting for someone to flip a switch. It takes
an act of faith to open our eyes to the Light of Christ.
-Pres. Uchtdorf
The Lord loves us and wants us to understand His willingness
to forgive. -Elder Craig A. Cardon
Share your testimony of that the living prophet leads the Church under the direction of Jesus Christ.
Week 2: The living prophet leads the Church under the direction of Jesus Christ.
Attention activity / Identify the
Ask the
children, "What are some things your parents ask you to do at home?"
(clean my room, load the dishwasher, take out the garbage, walk the dog, etc)
"And what happens if you obey and do those things?" (play with
friends, have fun, not have consequences, be happy, family will be happy,
etc) So, when you obey what your parents ask you to do, it brings good
things to you. Can you tell me someone else on this earth we need to obey
besides our parents?" (they may say teachers, grandparents, PROPHET-
if they don't, say, what about our prophet?) "Why do we obey our
prophet?" (Because he teaches us the things that Jesus Christ would like
us to do.) "So today we are going to learn about something what President
Monson just taught is in conference. That obedience brings blessings.
Encouraging Understanding:
Monson taught us that we learn to obey all through our lives. When we are
young, our parents set rules to help us stay safe. Can you tell me a
safety rule at your house? (pick one or 2 to answer) If we followed all
the rules, we probably wouldn't get hurt very much would we? Heavenly
Father also gave us some safety rules, or the commandments, to keep our spirits
and our bodies safe so we can come back to Him. When we obey His
commandments we get blessings. Lets play a game to find out what some of
these blessings are.
Have 2 different colored balls or
bean bags. One will stand for
commandments and one will stand for blessings. (You could label these, or get creative and make something
that looks like the 10 commandments stones. Kids sometimes get rough when passing items, so a bean
bag or something is simple and sturdy.)
Lets say you use a red ball/bean bag to represent commandments, you can
place a red piece of paper on the board with the word COMMANDMENTS printed on
it. Then do the same coordinating colored paper and word for whatever color
ball/bean bag you use for BLESSINGS.
That way everyone will know.
GAME: While you sing “Keep The Commandments”, pass around the 2
bean bags- starting one in one corner in the back and the other in the opposite
corner of the front. When the music
stops, the bean bag stops. Read a
scenario to the primary. The child
with the COMMANDMENTS bean bag will need to say what commandment the child in
the story was trying to keep. Then
the child with the BLESSINGS bean bag will need to say what blessings they
receive from keeping that. Keep
playing until you have gone through your scenarios. You can ask the pianist to stop the song randomly and that
will let everyone know when to freeze the game. If you plan on doing a Mother’s day card/craft you can just
do a few scenarios. I have included a quote with each scenario- you may choose to read after the children answer if you would like.
Keep the commandments
Keep the commandments
In this there is safety
In this there is peace
He will send blessings
He will send blessings
Words of a prophet
Keep the commandments
In this there is safety and
1. Jenny was playing with her
sister and got very angry and called her a name. She felt very bad. She had been baptized and wanted to
stay clean and have the Holy Ghost.
She told her sister she was sorry she repented and told Heavenly Father
she would not do that anymore.
They were able to keep playing
and have fun together the rest of the day. Jenny’s sister hugged her and said she loved being with her.
(commandment: repentance blessings: to be clean, forgiven, have someone to love and play with)
"Once we have
truly repented, Christ will take away the burden of guilt for our sins. We can
know for ourselves that we have been forgiven and made clean. The Holy Ghost will verify this to us; He is the Sanctifier. No other
testimony of forgiveness can be greater. " President Uchtdorf
2. Mark's friends had so much fun
playing video games Saturday night that they made a plan to get together again
on Sunday for more games. Mark told his friends he would not be
able to make it and chose to keep the Sabbath day holy. After church on
Sunday Mark went to his grandparent’s house. They had a great family dinner and played games and looked
at pictures. Mark told his grandma
thank you for the wonderful dinner, and told her how his friends had wanted him
to come over to play. She said she
was so proud of him for choosing the right. Mark felt very warm inside and he knew Heavenly Father was
proud of him too!
(commandment: Sabbath Day Holy blessings: feel Heavenly Father's love, enjoy the day with family)
“Remember the
sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Ex. 20:8) has been in force throughout human history. There is
power in keeping the Sabbath day holy. I testify that God lives, that we are
his children, that he loves us, and that he gives us commandments so he can
bless us as we keep them and thereby have joy. As we keep the Sabbath day holy
he will bless us, and we will achieve a quiet power for good as individuals, as
families, and as nations, that we cannot obtain in any other way.” John H Groberg
3. Justin was
walking home from school and saw a shiny pocket knife on the side walk.
He was excited! He'd always wanted a pocket knife. Then he
looked up and realized that it probably belonged to boy who lived at this
house. He had seen him in the older scout group. He walked the
pocket knife to the door and rang the bell and handed the knife to the boy's
mother. She said thank you very much he had been worried about where he
left it. Justin felt good as he walked home. Because he had chosen to be honest, he helped someone else
and made them feel better.
(commandment: Honesty blessings: to be trusted, forgiven, have a clean conscience, help others)
"Being honest means choosing not to lie, steal, cheat, or
deceive in any way. When we are honest, we build strength of character that
will allow us to be of great service to God and to others. We are blessed with
peace of mind and self-respect and will be trusted by the Lord and
others. " Young womens lesson manual
4. Katie was
having fun dancing and singing with her friends. A song with bad words
came on, she was very nervous. She wanted to ask her friend to switch the
song but was scared they might be mad at her. Katie remembered that
Heavenly Father could help her to be strong so she asked her friends to change
the song. Her friend said she was sorry for playing a song with bad
words. They changed the song.
Katie was very happy, the bad feeling went away and they kept having fun
the rest of the night.
(commandment: not listen to bad music blessings: to have the spirit, feel good inside, have clean thoughts, be happy)
“ Have the courage to walk out of a movie, change your music,
or turn off a computer, television, or mobile device if what you see or hear
drives away the Spirit.” For the
Strength of Youth
5. Lindsey’s mom asked her to hurry home
after school and get her chores done before going to her friend’s house. Lindsey
was dying to see her friend’s new puppy, and did not want to go clean her
bedroom. On her way home, she
thought about just going to her friend’s and telling her mom she forgot she was
supposed to do her chores first.
She thought about how disappointed her mom might be if she chose not to
listen to her and got a knot in her stomach. As she got closer to her friend’s house Lindsey
decided it wouldn’t be right to not obey her mom. She ran home and did her chores. Lindsey had a lot of fun playing with the puppy, with no
knot in her stomach. She was glad
she listened her mom!
(commandment: honoring your parents blessings: to be happy, have a happy home, be safe, have love)
righteous example can make a difference in strengthening your family. Honor
your parents by showing love and respect for them. Obey them as they lead you
in righteousness. Willingly help in your home.“ For the Strength of Youth
Lets always remember what
President Monson taught us at this conference. Every time we are willing and trying to keep Heavenly
Father’s commandments, we will get blessings. He loves us and has shown us the way to come back
safely. If we follow Heavenly
Father’s safety rules or commandments, we will be happy and always have the
help that we need.
Week 3: Prophets Teach Me To Pay Tithing.
Attention activity / Identify the Doctrine:
Prepare a bag or box with 3 or 4 items that would help the children to guess the topic of tithing. For example, some items may be: a piggy bank, picture of a temple, hymn book, the word commandment, a tithing envelope would be last. I would walk out without saying a word, place the bag on a table, hold your finger up to show you're being silent, then pull out the items one at a time showing them to the whole room. Set each item on the table and then after you have shown all items (not a tithing envelope yet) ask the children, "By looking at these items, can anyone guess what we are learning about today?" If they can't, tell them you have one more item to show them that might help and pull out the tithing envelope.
Encouraging Understanding:
Wow! Did you hear that? Heavenly Father said He would open the windows of heaven, and pour us out a blessing that we won't even have enough room to receive it! What do you think that means? (a lot of blessings, more than we can even see that He is blessing us with, great great blessings...)
Put the picture of the maze on the board. This is in the friend at this link: tithing maze on
Prepare a bag or box with 3 or 4 items that would help the children to guess the topic of tithing. For example, some items may be: a piggy bank, picture of a temple, hymn book, the word commandment, a tithing envelope would be last. I would walk out without saying a word, place the bag on a table, hold your finger up to show you're being silent, then pull out the items one at a time showing them to the whole room. Set each item on the table and then after you have shown all items (not a tithing envelope yet) ask the children, "By looking at these items, can anyone guess what we are learning about today?" If they can't, tell them you have one more item to show them that might help and pull out the tithing envelope.
Encouraging Understanding:
Yes, tithing. We will learn how the prophets have taught us to pay tithing. What is tithing? (Take a few answers and cover the basics- We pay 10% of what we earn to the Lord. It helps to build temples, churches, pay for hymn books and things. Heavenly Father gave us tithing as an important commandment.) Malachi was a prophet who lived a long ago, even before Jesus was born. He taught the people to pay their tithing. Ask a child to read Malachi 3:10, while the other children listen for what the Lord promises us if we pay our tithing:
"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." Wow! Did you hear that? Heavenly Father said He would open the windows of heaven, and pour us out a blessing that we won't even have enough room to receive it! What do you think that means? (a lot of blessings, more than we can even see that He is blessing us with, great great blessings...)
Put the picture of the maze on the board. This is in the friend at this link: tithing maze on
You could go to the link, right click and save this to your download folder and go have it printed larger for a few dollars at a copy store- it wouldn't have to be in color. Or I made it large for you to print on your own printer in 4 pages and tape together. It can be printed on your black and white printer and colored or left black and white. And of course you could print it in color if you have those capabilities. Here is a picture of mine printed on 4 pages, cut and glue sticked together. It turned out pretty well!
Here is the link to print the maze yourself in 4 pages, as you attach them- I went in this order and had positive results. This picture is a little deceiving. Remember its about 18-20 inches high. Minor flaws don't show much when it is up and the maze connected well.
I need 10 reverent helpers. I need each of you to pretend to be a tree and hold up this apple on your branches. (hand each child a paper apple) Now I need one more helper to come be the farmer and pick these apples and put them in this basket. (let the child pick the apples) Tithing is paying one-tenth of what we earn and is usually paid with money. but there have been times when people paid with whatever they had. How many apples should he/she pay to the bishop? (help them see 1 of the 10 apples would be one tenth.) Very good. Thank you, you can sit down now. We will use this tithing maze to help us learn about tithing. The maze starts with a little boy, it says: 1. Paying tithing is a commandment from God. We pay one-tenth of what we earn. Amal has earned 10 coins. He will pay one coin as tithing.
I need a helper to start here and find the way to number 2 and read it to us. (make sure they can reach the maze and help jr primary to read/read it for them) Yes, we fill out a tithing slip. (pick another child and do #3, #4, #5, #6, #7) (just have them use their finger, a small paper dot or shape with tape on the back, or a small magnet to go through the maze so it isn't marked up for the next sharing time)
So, we have talked about how to pay tithing, can anyone share an example of how you or someone you know were blessed for paying tithing? (Teachers could be a valuable resource here.) Share your testimony of paying tithing and the Lord's promise to us.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The Scriptures AreThe Word of God
Week One- The Scriptures Are the Word of God.
Attn getter: Sing (without music) the first part of I Lived In Heaven. If you are not comfortable singing alone, have them join you or have the music leader lead it. "I lived in heaven a long time ago it is true. Lived there and loved there with people I know so did you. Then Heavenly Father presented a beautiful plan- all about earth and eternal salvation for man." Ask the children, "What was the plan that Heavenly Father told us about?" (To come to earth, get a body, learn, do our best to be righteous so that we can live with Him again, etc) "Hmm, that sounds to me like we were sent on a big trip, or a journey."
Scripture Example: "You know, there was a family in the Book of Mormon who went on a journey. Do you remember when Lehi and his family left Jerusalem and went to the promised land? On their way there, Lehi had a dream-or a vision- where he saw amazing things. He told his family about it, and his righteous son, Nephi wanted to know about it also. He prayed and Heavenly Father showed it to him and explained the dream." -Adapt here according to what you think will work best for you and your primary/ junior and senior. To briefly tell Lehi's dream, use a video, pictures-there is a picture in the library, make your own pictures and put up as you tell it, or draw as you tell it. You can actually get the basic story from the Book of Mormon Stories book, on at this link. Lehi's Dream " Nephi was taught what the different things in the vision meant." Put up word strips by the different things in the picture(s) you are showing. (Tree of Life - Love of God, Iron Rod- word of God, Great and Spacious Building- Pride of the World, River of filthy Water-depths of hell, Mist of Darkness-Temptations of the Devil, Gulf that divides them-the word of the justice of the Eternal God.) Nephi 12
Attn getter: Sing (without music) the first part of I Lived In Heaven. If you are not comfortable singing alone, have them join you or have the music leader lead it. "I lived in heaven a long time ago it is true. Lived there and loved there with people I know so did you. Then Heavenly Father presented a beautiful plan- all about earth and eternal salvation for man." Ask the children, "What was the plan that Heavenly Father told us about?" (To come to earth, get a body, learn, do our best to be righteous so that we can live with Him again, etc) "Hmm, that sounds to me like we were sent on a big trip, or a journey."
Scripture Example: "You know, there was a family in the Book of Mormon who went on a journey. Do you remember when Lehi and his family left Jerusalem and went to the promised land? On their way there, Lehi had a dream-or a vision- where he saw amazing things. He told his family about it, and his righteous son, Nephi wanted to know about it also. He prayed and Heavenly Father showed it to him and explained the dream." -Adapt here according to what you think will work best for you and your primary/ junior and senior. To briefly tell Lehi's dream, use a video, pictures-there is a picture in the library, make your own pictures and put up as you tell it, or draw as you tell it. You can actually get the basic story from the Book of Mormon Stories book, on at this link. Lehi's Dream " Nephi was taught what the different things in the vision meant." Put up word strips by the different things in the picture(s) you are showing. (Tree of Life - Love of God, Iron Rod- word of God, Great and Spacious Building- Pride of the World, River of filthy Water-depths of hell, Mist of Darkness-Temptations of the Devil, Gulf that divides them-the word of the justice of the Eternal God.) Nephi 12
Tie it Together: Show the children a box with a bow- just to catch their attention again since we just did Christmas. Ask the children, "Remember in the dream, the people could hold on to the iron rod and it would take them straight to the tree. Well, if the iron rod is the word of God, how do we hold that every day? So we can make it back to Heavenly Father again? What if I told you I have the Iron Rod in this box?" Pick someone reverent to come open it. The scriptures will be inside. (Make sure it is the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price). Tell the children that there are four books of scripture we use in the Church: the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. Explain that we call these the“standard works.” Teach the children about each book as time permits. Bear testimony that the scriptures are the Word of God. They are our iron rod. If we hold them- read them every day we will be taught and blessed to stay on the path back to Heavenly Father.
prep- help with song if not singing it yourself, word strips, pictures of Lehi's dream, box with scriptures in it
Week Two- We are to feast upon the Word of God.
Attn getter: Pick four children or teachers to act out what
Scripture Example: "You know, there was a family in the Book of Mormon who went on a journey. Do you remember when Lehi and his family left Jerusalem and went to the promised land? On their way there, Lehi had a dream-or a vision- where he saw amazing things. He told his family about it, and his righteous son, Nephi wanted to know about it also. He prayed and Heavenly Father showed it to him and explained the dream." -Adapt here according to what you think will work best for you and your primary/ junior and senior. To briefly tell Lehi's dream, use a video, pictures-there is a picture in the library, make your own pictures and put up as you tell it, or draw as you tell it. You can actually get the basic story from the Book of Mormon Stories book, on at this link. Lehi's Dream " Nephi was taught what the different things in the vision meant." Put up word strips by the different things in the picture(s) you are showing. (Tree of Life - Love of God, Iron Rod- word of God, Great and Spacious Building- Pride of the World, River of filthy Water-depths of hell, Mist of Darkness-Temptations of the Devil, Gulf that divides them-the word of the justice of the Eternal God.) Nephi 12
Tie it Together: Show the children a box with a bow- just to catch their attention again since we just did Christmas. Ask the children, "Remember in the dream, the people could hold on to the iron rod and it would take them straight to the tree. Well, if the iron rod is the word of God, how do we hold that every day? So we can make it back to Heavenly Father again? What if I told you I have the Iron Rod in this box?" Pick someone reverent to come open it. The scriptures will be inside. (Make sure it is the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price). Tell the children that there are four books of scripture we use in the Church: the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. Explain that we call these the“standard works.” Teach the children about each book as time permits. Bear testimony that the scriptures are the Word of God. They are our iron rod. If we hold them- read them every day we will be taught and blessed to stay on the path back to Heavenly Father.
prep- help with song if not singing it yourself, word strips, pictures of Lehi's dream, box with scriptures in it
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Sharing Time Ideas
When We Serve Others,We Serve God
“When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God” (Mosiah 2:17).
Weeks 1 and 2: Jesus Christ taught us how to serve others
Week1- dramatization): Tell the children that one day a man asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus
answered him by telling a story that teaches us how to serve others. Invite a few children to dress up in simple costumes to portray characters from the parable of the good Samaritan: a traveler, some thieves, a priest, a Levite, a Samaritan, and an innkeeper. Tell the story in your own words (see Luke 10:30–37) and then help the children act it out. Ask the children: “What does this story teach us about who our neighbors are? Whom should we serve?” Point out that our neighbors can be anyone in need. Explain to the children that they can serve their friends and family members all the time, but they should serve people they do not know only if they are with a parent or another trusted adult. Testify that Jesus Christ loves everyone and wants us to serve everyone. (planning service for family): Tell the children that Jesus wants us to serve others, including members of our families. Cut out small paper circles and give a few to each child. Have them draw a smiling face on each one to make “Service Smiles.” Encourage the children to perform small acts of service for members of their family during the next week. Brainstorm together tasks they could do (such as leave a kind note, pick up toys, or make a bed). Have the children leave a “Service Smile” where the act of service was performed. Invite them to ask their families to participate in this activity with them. Encourage the children to be ready to share with the Primary next week how their service helped bring smiles to their families.
Week 2- (reporting on service): Invite the children to retell the story of the good Samaritan in their own
words. Use the same costumes you used the previous week to help them remember. Then give the children an opportunity to report on their “Service Smiles” from last week. One way to do this is to create a wheel like the one shown here, with each class in your Primary listed. Spin the wheel and invite one or two children in the class indicated to report on their service and how it helped them and others feel happy. Repeat as time allows
Week 3- Idea #1 Fishing Charades --Tell the story, Clean Up Claire from the 2008 friend:
Claire stomped her foot and glared at her closed bedroom door. Then she collapsed on her bed in tears. It was so unfair! Claire had two younger sisters and one younger brother. All she ever did was clean up after them! At least that’s what she had told Dad five minutes ago.
Claire had been reading a book, her favorite thing to do. Danielle was at the kitchen table making an art project. Liberty was playing with her blocks and dolls, and Hyrum was playing with his farm set.
“Guess what?” Mom said as she walked into the room. “Dad checked out a fun video at the library. Please clean up quickly so there will be time to eat dinner and watch the video before bedtime,” Mom said. “Claire, please help Hyrum clean up his farm set.”
As Claire set her book down, she heard her sisters complaining. Danielle said she wasn’t done with her art project and Liberty said she was too little to clean up her toys. Claire smiled. Liberty always said she was too little when she was asked to do something.
“I have to clean up Hyrum’s toys and I’m not complaining,” Claire thought. She scooped little farm animals into the toy barn and then put the barn on the shelf in Hyrum’s room. Then she went back to the couch and opened her book.
Dad came into the room. “Claire, could you please help Liberty clean up the blocks and dolls?” he asked. “Mom and I will be busy making dinner.”
“But I didn’t play with them, Dad,” Claire said. “Mom said we needed to clean up what we were playing with. I already cleaned up Hyrum’s mess.”
“Claire, we need to work together or we won’t have time to finish the video before bedtime,” Dad said. “Please go help Liberty.”
Claire was upset. She saw all of the blocks scattered throughout the family room. They had been made into little houses for Liberty’s dolls and stuffed animals. What a mess! She stomped her foot. “All I ever do is clean up after little kids!” she said.
“Let’s go to your room,” Dad said. He walked with Claire to her room. When they got there he said, “I know you’ve already cleaned. But we are a family and we work together. We all want to watch the video, so we all need to help. Danielle is cleaning up her art project, and Mom and I are making dinner. Liberty made a big mess but she’s only three. She needs help. Can you please be more willing to help?”
Now Claire lay on her bed crying. She felt awful inside. Did her parents think she was a maid? Maybe they should call her “Clean-up Claire.” Claire felt like a dark cloud was hanging over her head. She felt angry and alone. She took a deep breath. “I’ve got to stop feeling like this,” she thought. “What can I do to feel better?”
She knew what would make her feel better. She wiped the tears out of her eyes and knelt by the side of her bed. “Heavenly Father,” she prayed, “I’m sorry for the way I’ve acted. I’m sorry that I didn’t obey and that I complained to my parents. Please help me to feel better. Please help me feel the Spirit.”
As she said those words, the dark feelings left her. She felt warm and peaceful. She stayed on her knees and enjoyed the good feelings in her heart. Then she stood up. “This won’t be so bad,” she thought. She opened her door and quickly found the bucket that the blocks went in. She scooped them up as quickly as she could. “Liberty,” she called, “come and help me put these dolls and stuffed animals away.”
“I can’t help,” Liberty said as she walked into the room. “I’m too little.”
Claire smiled at her. “No, you’re not,” Claire said kindly. “Come on, I’ll help you.” Together the girls picked up the family room. Then Claire went into the kitchen where Mom and Dad were setting the table.
“I’m sorry I complained,” Claire said.
Mom and Dad smiled at her. “Thank you, Claire,” Dad said.
As the family gathered around the table, Mom said, “I never realized how much effect one person can have on the feeling we have in our home. A little while ago, it didn’t seem like the Spirit was here. But now, I know that it is. Thank you for doing your work happily, Claire.”
Claire smiled. She knew she had helped her whole family.
Then play Fishing charades. Prepare paper fish that say different ways to serve in our homes and have the children fish for them and act out the idea for the primary to guess.
idea #2-using the idea from the manual about serving inside your home, here are some printables that might help- cut out the little hands to make a clock with movable hands. Fasten with a brad.- Their teachers can help them to think of what is going on during the different times of the day. Like meals, chores, helping siblings get ready, reminding about scriptures or prayer, being obedient, prompt, etc.
***I am still trying to figure out easy viewing and printing. If you have a problem printing- right click on the image and click view image, then print. If something prints small, it may be horizontal- go to page set up and change the page layout to horizontal.
idea #3- Read the Clean Up Claire story above then play pictionary. Assign different times of the day to the classes and have them come up and do a pictionary- drawing their idea and having the rest of the primary guess.
idea #4- Make a big turkey on a poster board- without the tail feathers. Cut out different color feathers- or just white- after you tell the story above, have the children write on their feather how they can serve in their family. They can decorate the feather and then come stick it on the turkey.
If you need help making a turkey, there are good printables on this website. Look under Holiday Crafts or printables for turkeys. It is a great site that has awards, book marks, certificates, chore charts, etc that you can customize and print too! Dltk- Kids Web site
*You can encourage the children to continue to serve in their homes and perhaps make their own family home evening lesson with this activity.
Week 4- idea #1 Using the idea from the manual about serving others outside our homes, I have decided to have my family do a service challenge. Starting tomorrow I am having them try to serve someone outside our home everyday and then write about their experiences at night and then have them come share them in my sharing time next week. Encouraging them to pray about it each morning. Each morning I would like to have each family member wake up to a reminder by their bed. Here is for tomorrow, Day 1
Service reminder Day 1
idea #2 Make a big turkey on a poster board- without the tail feathers. Cut out different color feathers- or just white- after you tell a story about service outside the home, have the children write on their feather how they can serve. They can decorate the feather and then come stick it on the turkey.
story ideas: All Can Give Same-Size Service The Yellow Dress
If you need help making a turkey, there are good printables on this website. Look under Holiday Crafts or printables for turkeys. It is a great site that has awards, book marks, certificates, chore charts, etc that you can customize and print too! Dltk- Kids Web site
When We Serve Others,We Serve God
“When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God” (Mosiah 2:17).
Weeks 1 and 2: Jesus Christ taught us how to serve others
Week1- dramatization): Tell the children that one day a man asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus
answered him by telling a story that teaches us how to serve others. Invite a few children to dress up in simple costumes to portray characters from the parable of the good Samaritan: a traveler, some thieves, a priest, a Levite, a Samaritan, and an innkeeper. Tell the story in your own words (see Luke 10:30–37) and then help the children act it out. Ask the children: “What does this story teach us about who our neighbors are? Whom should we serve?” Point out that our neighbors can be anyone in need. Explain to the children that they can serve their friends and family members all the time, but they should serve people they do not know only if they are with a parent or another trusted adult. Testify that Jesus Christ loves everyone and wants us to serve everyone. (planning service for family): Tell the children that Jesus wants us to serve others, including members of our families. Cut out small paper circles and give a few to each child. Have them draw a smiling face on each one to make “Service Smiles.” Encourage the children to perform small acts of service for members of their family during the next week. Brainstorm together tasks they could do (such as leave a kind note, pick up toys, or make a bed). Have the children leave a “Service Smile” where the act of service was performed. Invite them to ask their families to participate in this activity with them. Encourage the children to be ready to share with the Primary next week how their service helped bring smiles to their families.
Week 2- (reporting on service): Invite the children to retell the story of the good Samaritan in their own
words. Use the same costumes you used the previous week to help them remember. Then give the children an opportunity to report on their “Service Smiles” from last week. One way to do this is to create a wheel like the one shown here, with each class in your Primary listed. Spin the wheel and invite one or two children in the class indicated to report on their service and how it helped them and others feel happy. Repeat as time allows
Week 3- Idea #1 Fishing Charades --Tell the story, Clean Up Claire from the 2008 friend:
Claire stomped her foot and glared at her closed bedroom door. Then she collapsed on her bed in tears. It was so unfair! Claire had two younger sisters and one younger brother. All she ever did was clean up after them! At least that’s what she had told Dad five minutes ago.
Claire had been reading a book, her favorite thing to do. Danielle was at the kitchen table making an art project. Liberty was playing with her blocks and dolls, and Hyrum was playing with his farm set.
“Guess what?” Mom said as she walked into the room. “Dad checked out a fun video at the library. Please clean up quickly so there will be time to eat dinner and watch the video before bedtime,” Mom said. “Claire, please help Hyrum clean up his farm set.”
As Claire set her book down, she heard her sisters complaining. Danielle said she wasn’t done with her art project and Liberty said she was too little to clean up her toys. Claire smiled. Liberty always said she was too little when she was asked to do something.
“I have to clean up Hyrum’s toys and I’m not complaining,” Claire thought. She scooped little farm animals into the toy barn and then put the barn on the shelf in Hyrum’s room. Then she went back to the couch and opened her book.
Dad came into the room. “Claire, could you please help Liberty clean up the blocks and dolls?” he asked. “Mom and I will be busy making dinner.”
“But I didn’t play with them, Dad,” Claire said. “Mom said we needed to clean up what we were playing with. I already cleaned up Hyrum’s mess.”
“Claire, we need to work together or we won’t have time to finish the video before bedtime,” Dad said. “Please go help Liberty.”
Claire was upset. She saw all of the blocks scattered throughout the family room. They had been made into little houses for Liberty’s dolls and stuffed animals. What a mess! She stomped her foot. “All I ever do is clean up after little kids!” she said.
“Let’s go to your room,” Dad said. He walked with Claire to her room. When they got there he said, “I know you’ve already cleaned. But we are a family and we work together. We all want to watch the video, so we all need to help. Danielle is cleaning up her art project, and Mom and I are making dinner. Liberty made a big mess but she’s only three. She needs help. Can you please be more willing to help?”
Now Claire lay on her bed crying. She felt awful inside. Did her parents think she was a maid? Maybe they should call her “Clean-up Claire.” Claire felt like a dark cloud was hanging over her head. She felt angry and alone. She took a deep breath. “I’ve got to stop feeling like this,” she thought. “What can I do to feel better?”
She knew what would make her feel better. She wiped the tears out of her eyes and knelt by the side of her bed. “Heavenly Father,” she prayed, “I’m sorry for the way I’ve acted. I’m sorry that I didn’t obey and that I complained to my parents. Please help me to feel better. Please help me feel the Spirit.”
As she said those words, the dark feelings left her. She felt warm and peaceful. She stayed on her knees and enjoyed the good feelings in her heart. Then she stood up. “This won’t be so bad,” she thought. She opened her door and quickly found the bucket that the blocks went in. She scooped them up as quickly as she could. “Liberty,” she called, “come and help me put these dolls and stuffed animals away.”
“I can’t help,” Liberty said as she walked into the room. “I’m too little.”
Claire smiled at her. “No, you’re not,” Claire said kindly. “Come on, I’ll help you.” Together the girls picked up the family room. Then Claire went into the kitchen where Mom and Dad were setting the table.
“I’m sorry I complained,” Claire said.
Mom and Dad smiled at her. “Thank you, Claire,” Dad said.
As the family gathered around the table, Mom said, “I never realized how much effect one person can have on the feeling we have in our home. A little while ago, it didn’t seem like the Spirit was here. But now, I know that it is. Thank you for doing your work happily, Claire.”
Claire smiled. She knew she had helped her whole family.
Then play Fishing charades. Prepare paper fish that say different ways to serve in our homes and have the children fish for them and act out the idea for the primary to guess.
idea #2-using the idea from the manual about serving inside your home, here are some printables that might help- cut out the little hands to make a clock with movable hands. Fasten with a brad.- Their teachers can help them to think of what is going on during the different times of the day. Like meals, chores, helping siblings get ready, reminding about scriptures or prayer, being obedient, prompt, etc.
***I am still trying to figure out easy viewing and printing. If you have a problem printing- right click on the image and click view image, then print. If something prints small, it may be horizontal- go to page set up and change the page layout to horizontal.
idea #3- Read the Clean Up Claire story above then play pictionary. Assign different times of the day to the classes and have them come up and do a pictionary- drawing their idea and having the rest of the primary guess.
idea #4- Make a big turkey on a poster board- without the tail feathers. Cut out different color feathers- or just white- after you tell the story above, have the children write on their feather how they can serve in their family. They can decorate the feather and then come stick it on the turkey.
If you need help making a turkey, there are good printables on this website. Look under Holiday Crafts or printables for turkeys. It is a great site that has awards, book marks, certificates, chore charts, etc that you can customize and print too! Dltk- Kids Web site
*You can encourage the children to continue to serve in their homes and perhaps make their own family home evening lesson with this activity.
Week 4- idea #1 Using the idea from the manual about serving others outside our homes, I have decided to have my family do a service challenge. Starting tomorrow I am having them try to serve someone outside our home everyday and then write about their experiences at night and then have them come share them in my sharing time next week. Encouraging them to pray about it each morning. Each morning I would like to have each family member wake up to a reminder by their bed. Here is for tomorrow, Day 1
Service reminder Day 1
idea #2 Make a big turkey on a poster board- without the tail feathers. Cut out different color feathers- or just white- after you tell a story about service outside the home, have the children write on their feather how they can serve. They can decorate the feather and then come stick it on the turkey.
story ideas: All Can Give Same-Size Service The Yellow Dress
If you need help making a turkey, there are good printables on this website. Look under Holiday Crafts or printables for turkeys. It is a great site that has awards, book marks, certificates, chore charts, etc that you can customize and print too! Dltk- Kids Web site
Friday, October 22, 2010
Sharing Time Ideas
The Mission of the Church Is to Invite All to Come unto Christ
Week One-
Week Two- Sharing the gospel helps others come unto Christ.
idea #1: Invite the full time missionaries to come do sharing time on this subject! They could share stories and their experiences and testimonies.
idea #2: Invite a couple converts from your ward to come and share their conversion stories and how they were introduced to the gospel.
idea #3: Attention getting story/thought: How many of you guys like to eat dessert? What if I told you there was a really cool place that makes the best desserts! Every kind of ice cream you can think of! The place is really neat too. They have cool squishy chairs to sit in and a music player that you can pick songs to listen to. Would you want to go there? Would you tell your friends to come too? When we share things we know with other people, it may make them want to do something too. Hold up a picture of a missionary and say, "That is what missionaries do. They share what they know about the gospel- the good news of Jesus Christ- with people, so that they will want to come unto Christ." I like the idea from the book, but I think I will start with it here. In a container, place objects that will remind the children of ways they can prepare to serve a mission, such as scriptures, Sunday shoes, a tithing slip, and a paper heart. Have a child choose an object from the container and share how doing what it represents can help them prepare to be missionaries. Do we have to be on a mission to be a missionary? Lets make a list of things that you can do that might help others to want to do good and come unto Christ. (be honest, share, be kind to everyone, stand up for what is right, help others, secret service, tell them how happy you are when you go to church or learn about Jesus and Heavenly Father, share when you have had answers to prayers, how you were blessed from being obedient, etc) Read D&C 133:37 And this agospel shall be bpreached unto cevery nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people. To end, have a sentence written on the board that says: We are all God's _____________. He ________ us and wants all of us to come _____________ and live with Him again. When we do ___________ work, we help more of God's _____________ to find their way __________ to live with Him again. For Senior primary, I will write the words: children, loves, back, missionary, children and home on word strips that can fit into the spots you leave blank. For Junior primary, I will draw pictures to represent the words. Either mix them up and ask children to pick where they think they should go- or hide them around the room and then have them try to put them in the sentence. Remind them that sharing the gospel helps others to want to follow Jesus.
*****So, I am trying to think of how to tie in making a poster board with a girl missionary on one side and boy missionary on the other that line up. I am cutting a face hole so kids can look through it. My thought is while the kids are pulling out the things from a box about missionaries I will have them stand behind it. Other idea is time permitting- sing I hope they call me on a mission with a few kids getting to stand with it while we sing. Any thoughts?
Week 3: We come unto Christ by repenting when we make a mistake.
Display a picture of Jesus Christ on the board. Write the scripture under it: “Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him” (Moroni 10:32). Have the children repeat the scripture. Ask, "do you know what it means to Come unto Christ?" After they answer, say yes, to come unto Christ means to: have faith in Him, to keep His commandments, to make covenants, and to repent when we make mistakes. (place a prepared word strip up for each of those 4 phrases) Explain that because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can repent when we make a mistake. Cut four more word strips that say the parts of repentance: (1) feel sorry, (2) ask forgiveness, (3) right the wrong, and (4) don’t repeat the wrong. Place the word strips on the board on the other side of the picture of Jesus Christ. Show them to the children. Also prepare a rope with knots it.* Divide the children into groups and give each group a case study describing something a child might need to repent of. (*The rope will need to go up to the front to the picture of Christ. Make as many knots as groups you will have. For each knot, just loosely tie 4 times) Then have them share their case study with whole group. Holding the knot on the rope, have them go through each step of repentance- untying one tie of the knot for each step of repentance. When they have answered all 4 parts- the knot will be out. They can lay the rope back down and the next group come up, tell theirs as they untie the next knot. (have the first group start with knot at the end.) When the final group unties their knot and the rope is perfectly straight, hold the rope and explain- the rope is like or path to come unto Christ. Jesus Christ has shown us the way by His example. Sometimes we make a mistake and we get knots in our path. Through the steps of repentance we can untie the knots, be clean again, and have nothing standing in the way on our path to come unto Christ.
Some case study examples,
“Jenny disobeys her parents by kicking a ball in the house, and she breaks something.”
"Bryan took his friend's colorful pencil home from school, and said he did not know where it was when his friend asked if he had seen it."
"Carrie told her mom she would not eat that gross dinner because she did not like that kind of food- and hurt her mom's feelings."
"Josh pushed his little brother down because he found him playing with his new airplane in his room."
"Laura earned $5 in babysitting money, but only paid 5% tithing because she wanted to buy a toy."
Week 4: Temple work helps me and my family come unto Christ.
Remind the children what it means to come unto Christ. You may do this by asking them if the remember. (have faith in Him, to keep His commandments, to make covenants, and to repent when we make mistakes.)
Place picture of Jesus on center of board. Cut many pieces of yarn. you will know how many when you have decided which ideas you want to include:). Tape each piece of yarn under the edge of the picture of Christ, so that strings are fanning out all around Him. On the end of each yarn, have a piece of paper that can be turned over to show a way temple work helps me and my family come unto Christ. Let children come and turn one over -(keep in its place on the board now facing up) -then discuss.- Remember, some words may need simple explanations- like ordinance: our ordinances are special steps, like baptism, that we take to come back to Heavenly Father. I got lots of these from the church website under Temples. Here are some ideas using quotes, sentences, songs, pictures:
*Sing Families Can Be Together Forever
*Picture of Grandparents or pioneers to talk about work for the dead
*the word HELP
*the word peace
*the word answers
*a heart for our love for family and/or Heavenly Father grows
*Picture of steps- our ordinances are our steps back to Heavenly Father
* picture of a gift -We receive gifts and blessings as we are endowed and go to the temple
*“As we go to the holy house, as we remember the covenants we make therein, we will be able to bear every trial and overcome each temptation." Pres. Monson
*The temple provides purpose for our lives. Pres. Monson
*It brings peace to our souls. Pres. Monson
*One ordinance we receive in the temple is the endowment. The word endowment means “gift” or “bestowal.” As part of this ordinance, we are taught about the purpose of life, the mission and Atonement of Jesus Christ, and Heavenly Father’s plan for His children.
*Another temple ordinance is the sealing ordinance, in which husbands and wives are sealed to each other and children are sealed to their parents in eternal families. This means that if we are faithful to our covenants, our family relationships will continue for eternity.
* We can feel the spirit, and receive answers to our prayers.
* We can do the work for our family members who have already died without the chance to go to the temple. So that we can all be sealed together and so that they can receive the Lord's greatest blessings too.
* We receive blessings for being obedient and going to the temple.
* When we learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ our love for them grow.
* We are blessed when we keep the promises we make to Heavenly Father in the temple.
* Sing I love to see the Temple.
* We set an example for others when we go to the temple.- parents show their children how important and special the temple is when they go.
Games for review or any subject
The Mission of the Church Is to Invite All to Come unto Christ
Week One-
Week Two- Sharing the gospel helps others come unto Christ.
idea #1: Invite the full time missionaries to come do sharing time on this subject! They could share stories and their experiences and testimonies.
idea #2: Invite a couple converts from your ward to come and share their conversion stories and how they were introduced to the gospel.
idea #3: Attention getting story/thought: How many of you guys like to eat dessert? What if I told you there was a really cool place that makes the best desserts! Every kind of ice cream you can think of! The place is really neat too. They have cool squishy chairs to sit in and a music player that you can pick songs to listen to. Would you want to go there? Would you tell your friends to come too? When we share things we know with other people, it may make them want to do something too. Hold up a picture of a missionary and say, "That is what missionaries do. They share what they know about the gospel- the good news of Jesus Christ- with people, so that they will want to come unto Christ." I like the idea from the book, but I think I will start with it here. In a container, place objects that will remind the children of ways they can prepare to serve a mission, such as scriptures, Sunday shoes, a tithing slip, and a paper heart. Have a child choose an object from the container and share how doing what it represents can help them prepare to be missionaries. Do we have to be on a mission to be a missionary? Lets make a list of things that you can do that might help others to want to do good and come unto Christ. (be honest, share, be kind to everyone, stand up for what is right, help others, secret service, tell them how happy you are when you go to church or learn about Jesus and Heavenly Father, share when you have had answers to prayers, how you were blessed from being obedient, etc) Read D&C 133:37 And this agospel shall be bpreached unto cevery nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people. To end, have a sentence written on the board that says: We are all God's _____________. He ________ us and wants all of us to come _____________ and live with Him again. When we do ___________ work, we help more of God's _____________ to find their way __________ to live with Him again. For Senior primary, I will write the words: children, loves, back, missionary, children and home on word strips that can fit into the spots you leave blank. For Junior primary, I will draw pictures to represent the words. Either mix them up and ask children to pick where they think they should go- or hide them around the room and then have them try to put them in the sentence. Remind them that sharing the gospel helps others to want to follow Jesus.
*****So, I am trying to think of how to tie in making a poster board with a girl missionary on one side and boy missionary on the other that line up. I am cutting a face hole so kids can look through it. My thought is while the kids are pulling out the things from a box about missionaries I will have them stand behind it. Other idea is time permitting- sing I hope they call me on a mission with a few kids getting to stand with it while we sing. Any thoughts?
Week 3: We come unto Christ by repenting when we make a mistake.
Display a picture of Jesus Christ on the board. Write the scripture under it: “Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him” (Moroni 10:32). Have the children repeat the scripture. Ask, "do you know what it means to Come unto Christ?" After they answer, say yes, to come unto Christ means to: have faith in Him, to keep His commandments, to make covenants, and to repent when we make mistakes. (place a prepared word strip up for each of those 4 phrases) Explain that because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can repent when we make a mistake. Cut four more word strips that say the parts of repentance: (1) feel sorry, (2) ask forgiveness, (3) right the wrong, and (4) don’t repeat the wrong. Place the word strips on the board on the other side of the picture of Jesus Christ. Show them to the children. Also prepare a rope with knots it.* Divide the children into groups and give each group a case study describing something a child might need to repent of. (*The rope will need to go up to the front to the picture of Christ. Make as many knots as groups you will have. For each knot, just loosely tie 4 times) Then have them share their case study with whole group. Holding the knot on the rope, have them go through each step of repentance- untying one tie of the knot for each step of repentance. When they have answered all 4 parts- the knot will be out. They can lay the rope back down and the next group come up, tell theirs as they untie the next knot. (have the first group start with knot at the end.) When the final group unties their knot and the rope is perfectly straight, hold the rope and explain- the rope is like or path to come unto Christ. Jesus Christ has shown us the way by His example. Sometimes we make a mistake and we get knots in our path. Through the steps of repentance we can untie the knots, be clean again, and have nothing standing in the way on our path to come unto Christ.
Some case study examples,
“Jenny disobeys her parents by kicking a ball in the house, and she breaks something.”
"Bryan took his friend's colorful pencil home from school, and said he did not know where it was when his friend asked if he had seen it."
"Carrie told her mom she would not eat that gross dinner because she did not like that kind of food- and hurt her mom's feelings."
"Josh pushed his little brother down because he found him playing with his new airplane in his room."
"Laura earned $5 in babysitting money, but only paid 5% tithing because she wanted to buy a toy."
Week 4: Temple work helps me and my family come unto Christ.
Remind the children what it means to come unto Christ. You may do this by asking them if the remember. (have faith in Him, to keep His commandments, to make covenants, and to repent when we make mistakes.)
Place picture of Jesus on center of board. Cut many pieces of yarn. you will know how many when you have decided which ideas you want to include:). Tape each piece of yarn under the edge of the picture of Christ, so that strings are fanning out all around Him. On the end of each yarn, have a piece of paper that can be turned over to show a way temple work helps me and my family come unto Christ. Let children come and turn one over -(keep in its place on the board now facing up) -then discuss.- Remember, some words may need simple explanations- like ordinance: our ordinances are special steps, like baptism, that we take to come back to Heavenly Father. I got lots of these from the church website under Temples. Here are some ideas using quotes, sentences, songs, pictures:
*Sing Families Can Be Together Forever
*Picture of Grandparents or pioneers to talk about work for the dead
*the word HELP
*the word peace
*the word answers
*a heart for our love for family and/or Heavenly Father grows
*Picture of steps- our ordinances are our steps back to Heavenly Father
* picture of a gift -We receive gifts and blessings as we are endowed and go to the temple
*“As we go to the holy house, as we remember the covenants we make therein, we will be able to bear every trial and overcome each temptation." Pres. Monson
*The temple provides purpose for our lives. Pres. Monson
*It brings peace to our souls. Pres. Monson
*One ordinance we receive in the temple is the endowment. The word endowment means “gift” or “bestowal.” As part of this ordinance, we are taught about the purpose of life, the mission and Atonement of Jesus Christ, and Heavenly Father’s plan for His children.
*Another temple ordinance is the sealing ordinance, in which husbands and wives are sealed to each other and children are sealed to their parents in eternal families. This means that if we are faithful to our covenants, our family relationships will continue for eternity.
* We can feel the spirit, and receive answers to our prayers.
* We can do the work for our family members who have already died without the chance to go to the temple. So that we can all be sealed together and so that they can receive the Lord's greatest blessings too.
* We receive blessings for being obedient and going to the temple.
* When we learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ our love for them grow.
* We are blessed when we keep the promises we make to Heavenly Father in the temple.
* Sing I love to see the Temple.
* We set an example for others when we go to the temple.- parents show their children how important and special the temple is when they go.
Games for review or any subject
Think board games!
Guess Who?- I made a prophet Guess Who game. I printed 2 copies of the prophets from this link: . Then I colored, their ties, eyes, hair, suits, etc different colors. (some with blue eyes, some with green...). Then I used a big chalk board on wheels- put one set of pictures on each side. I had the children turn and face them middle of the room and put the board in between them. (The game works by each team secretly picking one prophet picture and then tries to guess the other team's prophet. Using questions like- does your person have blue eyes? If yes, take down all the prophets on your side who do not have blue eyes. If they say no, take down all the blue eyed prophets. You keep going back and forth until you know who the other team's prophet is.) I would ask a review question to one team, if they got it right they got to ask a question to the other team to try to guess which prophet they had picked. If they got their question from me wrong, it passed to the other side. Very fun!
Jeopardy is always fun with columns across they can pick from like maybe- Latter Day Revelation (that might have questions about what the prophets have said) Songs (songs they have to tell you words to about the subject, sing to you, say the next line, think of a song, think of the title of a song you play the tune of...) and any other topics that go with your subject. Then Just make papers with 100, 200, 300, 400 underneath each column. I kept a list of my questions that coordinated with the board so I didn't even need to worry about writing them on the back of the papers on the board. What ever is easier for you!
A chutes and ladders type game with questions.
Marshmallow Shooters. Make as many teams as you would like to make marshmallow shooters for. Even splitting the kids in half works great. Get mini mallows and some 1/2 inch plastic pipe from the hard ware store. Cut the pipe in about 10 to 12 inch lengths. Make a target for your mallows. It could be a ring for it to go through- like a small hoola hoop- or even a paper bullseye it has to hit. Have a teacher represent each team. If the kids answer the question right, win a scripture chase, sing a song well, etc then their teacher representing them gets 3 chances to stick a marshmallow in the pipe and blow it at the target. Giving them a chance to earn 3 points per turn. The team with the most points wins. Very fun!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Sharing Time Ideas
I Obey Jesus Christ Because I Love Him
Week 1- I show love for Jesus Christ when I keep the commandments.
I like the beginning of the suggested lesson. To help the children memorize John 14:15, draw a picture of a heart and a picture depicting the Ten Commandments. Divide the children into two groups. Hold up the picture of the heart in front of one group and have them stand and say, “If ye love me.” Hold up the picture of the Ten Commandments in front of the other group and have them stand and say, “Keep my commandments.” Repeat several times. Older children could learn the first part of John 14:21 (“He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me”) in the same way. Prepare some cards with some simple pictures- a mom, a dad, a grandma, a pet, a teacher, President Monson, and ending with Jesus Christ. Turn the first picture over and ask the children how do you show your mom you love her? Ask them for each of the different pictures. When it comes to President Monson and then Jesus Christ, encourage the answer of obedience/ following/ listening to, etc. Make a quick list on the board with the children of all the things they know Jesus Christ has asked us to do. Then tell each class to think of one commandment they can come act out for the rest of the primary to guess. (you decide if you want the whole class coming up or 1 or 2 children per class) You could act out another round if you have time.
Week2- I show love for Jesus Christ when I keep the commandments.
Ask the children, "Where would you look to find the things Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to do?" (Scriptures) "Yes, we can look in the scriptures, or to the prophets, and what about our church books? Some of you may already have your Faith in God books."(hold up Faith in God book) Show them the My Gospel Standards page.When we follow these standards, we are showing Jesus that we love Him and want to be with Him again. That we are grateful for what He has done for us. He has given us some great examples in the scriptures of commandment keepers who loved Him. Pick some of your favorite stories, like Nephi getting the plates, The Stripling Warriers, Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty. You can have one child come up and hold a picture while you briefly tell how they kept the commandments. Then place a simple head band on another child with the name of the scripture example on it-(i.e.-Nephi, Captain Moroni, etc.). Keep the children standing up front who are wearing the head bands. Add children from your primary at the end to stand with these great examples. Let them say how they are trying to obey Jesus Christ.
Week 3- My love for Jesus Christ grows when I pray.
Role play, start your sharing time with you talking on a phone. Pretend you are talking to your Grandma. It may be something like, "Hi Grandma!...I miss you to! ....I am great, how are you?...Is anything new?....You did what?!....You are so funny, Grandma! How is Grandpa? He got a puppy?....I would love to come walk it...Well, school is pretty good. But the other day I had a really hard day. I had trouble with my spelling test....That would be great. We could practice my words together! Thank you Grandma! I love you too! See you later! Bye!" Then look at the kids and say, "Sorry, I was talking to my Grandma. I love her and she helps me so much." You may ask them if they talk to family members or friends they love on the phone. Ask them who. Then ask them "Who else loves you and cares about your day?". Talk about how Heavenly Father and Jesus want to talk to us everyday. Make a poster or write on the board the scripture 3 Ne.18:19-20. Also, D&C 88:63-64. Talk about how when we call and talk to our family or friends that we stay close to them and have a relationship...get to know them better/stay close to them. Read the D&C 88 about draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you, etc. talk about that promise, the help he gives us, and bear testimony of how your love for Him has grown through prayer. You can share some personal experiences or ask others to share one.
Week 4- My love for Jesus Christ grows when I study the scriptures.
1-Hand out paper and a crayons to all the children. Ask them to draw a picture of what they love about Jesus Christ. It could be a story, something He can do, words He has said, etc. Give them up to half of your time. Then call on the children to bring them up and share as many as possible and give them back so they can take them home. In closing, ask the children how they knew about Jesus. Where did we learn those things. The scriptures. Testify that our love for Jesus grows when we study the scriptures and know Him better. Through the things we read and also through the Holy Ghost helping us to feel His love- and have our love for Him increased while we read the scriptures.
Ok, now that it is Saturday- I have a new plan:) This is what I am thinking. Please tell me if you have anything to add! Or help in my holes I haven't figured out yet.
2-I am going to go get a really large balloon. I think I will actually go to the Dollar Store and get a punch balloon (they have a 3 pack for a dollar)- those are sturdier, you know, the ones that come with the big elastic and it ties on...any ways. I am going to blow it up (not tie it yet) and write on it with a permanent marker: I Love Jesus Christ. Then I am going to start by having them sing I know That My Savior Loves Me. I will make sure I have a large picture of Jesus in the front. I will ask a few children to tell me some of the things they love about Jesus. Just like above- suggesting things He has done, created, that He said, a favorite story, etc. Then I will ask them where they learned all these things about Jesus. (scriptures) Then I am going to pull out my scriptures. I am making some pink or red strips of paper to be book marks. I will draw a heart at the top of each one. Then I am going to mark a bunch of things in the scriptures to share with them. Examples about the Savior that help our love for Him grow. Some will be a scripture I read, some I will just remind them of the story (because time and attention span). Then after each example I will blow up a bit of the balloon until the end of sharing time when it should be large and full of "love" for the Savior. I think I will use a good table to hold my scriptures so that I can hang on to the balloon that will not be tied the whole time. **I have a bridal shower to go to, then later I will post all my examples I am marking. If you would like to use them, don't worry, they will all be easy to share because they need to be good, quick, and direct so that they mean something to the kids. And for the sake of time and filling the balloon! I will definately share the scripture on the atonement-in Alma 7:12 stressing to the kids that in the Garden of Gethsemane He felt every hurt, sadness, sickness, loneliness, scared feeling and our sins while he was on the earth with his physical body, so that He would know exactly how we felt. So that He would know how to help us, and what we would need. Good Luck! add in anything you have or other ideas!
Here are some of the scripture reference ideas that I had, I will say something before I start the scriptures like- We can feel close to the Savior by reading about Him in the scriptures. Lets see how our love for Him "grows" as we learn about all the wonderful things He has done.
*Atonement, Alma 7:12- And he will take upon him adeath, that he may bloose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to csuccor his people according to their infirmities.
* Healing all of the Nephites, 3 Ne 17:7- Have ye any that are asick among you? Bring them hither. Have ye any that are lame, or blind, or halt, or maimed, or bleprous, or that are withered, or that are deaf, or that are afflicted in any manner? Bring them hither and I will cheal them, for I have compassion upon you; my bowels are filled with mercy.
*Blessing all the Nephite children, 3 Ne 17:21- And when he had said these words, he awept, and the multitude bare record of it, and he took their little children, one by one, and bblessed them, and prayed unto the Father for them.
*Raising Lazarus- that He has the power to do miracles, John 11:43- ...Lazarus come forth.
*Raising Lazarus- that He was/is a good friend. Even though He knew Lazarus would be alive again, He cried with His good friends, Mary and Martha, because they were sad and He loved all of them.
*Helped create a beautiful earth for us, Genesis
*Died for us, John 19
*Was baptized to be an example and show us the way home to Heavenly Father
*Gives us peace, John 14:27 aPeace I leave with you, my bpeace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be ctroubled, neither let it be afraid.
*Did not judge, John 8- there was a woman who sinned. The people were trying to trick Jesus into saying something wrong about how she should be punished. verse 7 says, "and said unto them, He that is without asin among you, let him bfirst cast a cstone at her." then in verse 11, "And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I acondemn thee: go, and sin bno more."
*Forgives, Luke 23:34- Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do
Here is a start, I am going to think of what other topics I would like to share with the children and find a scripture to match.
I Obey Jesus Christ Because I Love Him
Week 1- I show love for Jesus Christ when I keep the commandments.
I like the beginning of the suggested lesson. To help the children memorize John 14:15, draw a picture of a heart and a picture depicting the Ten Commandments. Divide the children into two groups. Hold up the picture of the heart in front of one group and have them stand and say, “If ye love me.” Hold up the picture of the Ten Commandments in front of the other group and have them stand and say, “Keep my commandments.” Repeat several times. Older children could learn the first part of John 14:21 (“He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me”) in the same way. Prepare some cards with some simple pictures- a mom, a dad, a grandma, a pet, a teacher, President Monson, and ending with Jesus Christ. Turn the first picture over and ask the children how do you show your mom you love her? Ask them for each of the different pictures. When it comes to President Monson and then Jesus Christ, encourage the answer of obedience/ following/ listening to, etc. Make a quick list on the board with the children of all the things they know Jesus Christ has asked us to do. Then tell each class to think of one commandment they can come act out for the rest of the primary to guess. (you decide if you want the whole class coming up or 1 or 2 children per class) You could act out another round if you have time.
Week2- I show love for Jesus Christ when I keep the commandments.
Ask the children, "Where would you look to find the things Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to do?" (Scriptures) "Yes, we can look in the scriptures, or to the prophets, and what about our church books? Some of you may already have your Faith in God books."(hold up Faith in God book) Show them the My Gospel Standards page.When we follow these standards, we are showing Jesus that we love Him and want to be with Him again. That we are grateful for what He has done for us. He has given us some great examples in the scriptures of commandment keepers who loved Him. Pick some of your favorite stories, like Nephi getting the plates, The Stripling Warriers, Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty. You can have one child come up and hold a picture while you briefly tell how they kept the commandments. Then place a simple head band on another child with the name of the scripture example on it-(i.e.-Nephi, Captain Moroni, etc.). Keep the children standing up front who are wearing the head bands. Add children from your primary at the end to stand with these great examples. Let them say how they are trying to obey Jesus Christ.
Week 3- My love for Jesus Christ grows when I pray.
Role play, start your sharing time with you talking on a phone. Pretend you are talking to your Grandma. It may be something like, "Hi Grandma!...I miss you to! ....I am great, how are you?...Is anything new?....You did what?!....You are so funny, Grandma! How is Grandpa? He got a puppy?....I would love to come walk it...Well, school is pretty good. But the other day I had a really hard day. I had trouble with my spelling test....That would be great. We could practice my words together! Thank you Grandma! I love you too! See you later! Bye!" Then look at the kids and say, "Sorry, I was talking to my Grandma. I love her and she helps me so much." You may ask them if they talk to family members or friends they love on the phone. Ask them who. Then ask them "Who else loves you and cares about your day?". Talk about how Heavenly Father and Jesus want to talk to us everyday. Make a poster or write on the board the scripture 3 Ne.18:19-20. Also, D&C 88:63-64. Talk about how when we call and talk to our family or friends that we stay close to them and have a relationship...get to know them better/stay close to them. Read the D&C 88 about draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you, etc. talk about that promise, the help he gives us, and bear testimony of how your love for Him has grown through prayer. You can share some personal experiences or ask others to share one.
Week 4- My love for Jesus Christ grows when I study the scriptures.
1-Hand out paper and a crayons to all the children. Ask them to draw a picture of what they love about Jesus Christ. It could be a story, something He can do, words He has said, etc. Give them up to half of your time. Then call on the children to bring them up and share as many as possible and give them back so they can take them home. In closing, ask the children how they knew about Jesus. Where did we learn those things. The scriptures. Testify that our love for Jesus grows when we study the scriptures and know Him better. Through the things we read and also through the Holy Ghost helping us to feel His love- and have our love for Him increased while we read the scriptures.
Ok, now that it is Saturday- I have a new plan:) This is what I am thinking. Please tell me if you have anything to add! Or help in my holes I haven't figured out yet.
2-I am going to go get a really large balloon. I think I will actually go to the Dollar Store and get a punch balloon (they have a 3 pack for a dollar)- those are sturdier, you know, the ones that come with the big elastic and it ties on...any ways. I am going to blow it up (not tie it yet) and write on it with a permanent marker: I Love Jesus Christ. Then I am going to start by having them sing I know That My Savior Loves Me. I will make sure I have a large picture of Jesus in the front. I will ask a few children to tell me some of the things they love about Jesus. Just like above- suggesting things He has done, created, that He said, a favorite story, etc. Then I will ask them where they learned all these things about Jesus. (scriptures) Then I am going to pull out my scriptures. I am making some pink or red strips of paper to be book marks. I will draw a heart at the top of each one. Then I am going to mark a bunch of things in the scriptures to share with them. Examples about the Savior that help our love for Him grow. Some will be a scripture I read, some I will just remind them of the story (because time and attention span). Then after each example I will blow up a bit of the balloon until the end of sharing time when it should be large and full of "love" for the Savior. I think I will use a good table to hold my scriptures so that I can hang on to the balloon that will not be tied the whole time. **I have a bridal shower to go to, then later I will post all my examples I am marking. If you would like to use them, don't worry, they will all be easy to share because they need to be good, quick, and direct so that they mean something to the kids. And for the sake of time and filling the balloon! I will definately share the scripture on the atonement-in Alma 7:12 stressing to the kids that in the Garden of Gethsemane He felt every hurt, sadness, sickness, loneliness, scared feeling and our sins while he was on the earth with his physical body, so that He would know exactly how we felt. So that He would know how to help us, and what we would need. Good Luck! add in anything you have or other ideas!
Here are some of the scripture reference ideas that I had, I will say something before I start the scriptures like- We can feel close to the Savior by reading about Him in the scriptures. Lets see how our love for Him "grows" as we learn about all the wonderful things He has done.
*Atonement, Alma 7:12- And he will take upon him adeath, that he may bloose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to csuccor his people according to their infirmities.
* Healing all of the Nephites, 3 Ne 17:7- Have ye any that are asick among you? Bring them hither. Have ye any that are lame, or blind, or halt, or maimed, or bleprous, or that are withered, or that are deaf, or that are afflicted in any manner? Bring them hither and I will cheal them, for I have compassion upon you; my bowels are filled with mercy.
*Blessing all the Nephite children, 3 Ne 17:21- And when he had said these words, he awept, and the multitude bare record of it, and he took their little children, one by one, and bblessed them, and prayed unto the Father for them.
*Raising Lazarus- that He has the power to do miracles, John 11:43- ...Lazarus come forth.
*Raising Lazarus- that He was/is a good friend. Even though He knew Lazarus would be alive again, He cried with His good friends, Mary and Martha, because they were sad and He loved all of them.
*Helped create a beautiful earth for us, Genesis
*Died for us, John 19
*Was baptized to be an example and show us the way home to Heavenly Father
*Gives us peace, John 14:27 aPeace I leave with you, my bpeace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be ctroubled, neither let it be afraid.
*Did not judge, John 8- there was a woman who sinned. The people were trying to trick Jesus into saying something wrong about how she should be punished. verse 7 says, "and said unto them, He that is without asin among you, let him bfirst cast a cstone at her." then in verse 11, "And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I acondemn thee: go, and sin bno more."
*Forgives, Luke 23:34- Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do
Here is a start, I am going to think of what other topics I would like to share with the children and find a scripture to match.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Sharing Time Ideas
Jesus Christ Is The Son of God, and He Is a God of Miracles
Week 1- Jesus Christ is a God of Miracles.
Prepare letters that spell MIRACLES on half sheets of paper. (print, cut apart, color or post on colored paper if desired) Attach an activity to the back of some letters. (i.e.-story of Jesus calming the storm Mark 4:36-39, Jesus filling the nets with fish Luke 5:1-11, personal story from yourself or someone in the ward, a primary song- you may choose to add more stories or songs if you feel you will have more time) Place letters all around the primary room. Call on children to pick a letter (for Jr. primary you may want to do them in order to spell "miracles"). If the letter has an activity on the back- tell the story or sing the song. Otherwise just put on the board in front. Sr. primary can unscramble the word "miracles" at the end. Testify after each activity how it shows that Christ has power over the earth- you can discuss how miracles help people.
Week2- Jesus Christ can heal the sick.
Prepare to tell the story when Jesus healed the Nephites (3 Nephi 17). Ask the children to raise their hand if the have ever been healed or knew someone who had. Ask them if Jesus came down and healed them. Tell them that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ gave us 2 gifts- Prayer and Priesthood Blessings so that we can be healed. I used gift bags and cut a square out- put a gift bow on the top and labeled on Prayer- one Priesthood Blessings. In the center of the board I hung a picture of Jesus healing the Nephites. The labeled gifts one on each side. Then I made a couple more gifts with bows with a story on the back. I held up all the gifts and had a child pick one, I read the story and asked them if they were healed through prayer or Priesthood Blessing and they hung it on that side. I used one personal story of a child in the primary, one of George Albert Smith (As a young boy, George Albert Smith was very ill with typhoid fever, a disease that killed many people at that time. The doctor advised his mother to give him coffee to drink, but George refused it. Instead, he asked for a priesthood blessing from their ward (home) teacher. The next morning, when the doctor arrived, he found George Albert in the yard, playing. “I was grateful to the Lord for my recovery,” he said. “I was sure that He had healed me.”) A story from the friend called Nora's Blessing, and one called Mimi's Testimony- I only told the 2nd half of that one. That filled all the time exactly.
Week 3- Jesus Christ has power over death.
Start by having the children list the things that they know that Jesus Christ can do. ( heal, teach, love, make the earth, etc) Talk about how He raised the dead. That Christ has power of death. Bring some simple costumes (scarf, robe, etc) for teachers to wear as they read the following stories or others you pick: raising of Lazarus (John 11:1–45); the raising of Jairus’s daughter (Mark 5:21–24, 35–43); the raising of the widow’s son (Luke 7:11–16); and the Resurrection (John 20:1–18). The other thing you could do is have children dress up instead of teachers. Testify that Jesus Christ has power over death and that each of us will be resurrected.
Week 4- Miracles come to those who have faith.
Write on the board Doctrine and Covenants63:9: “But, behold, faith cometh not by signs, but signs follow those that believe.” Explain that the word signs in this scripture can also mean miracles. Have the children stand and read the scripture aloud together. Point out the word faith. Explain that miracles are not always dramatic events and that we must first have faith, and then we will recognize miracles in our lives. Also
explain that even though we have faith, we will still experience sorrow, pain, and suffering, but God is aware of our needs and will care for us. Make a simple matching/memory game to introduce each scripture story, by preparing 2 cards that say- MOSES, WIDOW OF ZAREPHATH, DANIEL & LION'S DEN, BROTHER OF JARED, NEPHI & LEHI (in prison) As a match is found, tell in your own words the story. You can again include families in your own ward with personal experiences. Testify that as we have faith, we will see miracles in our lives.
Jesus Christ Is The Son of God, and He Is a God of Miracles
Week 1- Jesus Christ is a God of Miracles.
Prepare letters that spell MIRACLES on half sheets of paper. (print, cut apart, color or post on colored paper if desired) Attach an activity to the back of some letters. (i.e.-story of Jesus calming the storm Mark 4:36-39, Jesus filling the nets with fish Luke 5:1-11, personal story from yourself or someone in the ward, a primary song- you may choose to add more stories or songs if you feel you will have more time) Place letters all around the primary room. Call on children to pick a letter (for Jr. primary you may want to do them in order to spell "miracles"). If the letter has an activity on the back- tell the story or sing the song. Otherwise just put on the board in front. Sr. primary can unscramble the word "miracles" at the end. Testify after each activity how it shows that Christ has power over the earth- you can discuss how miracles help people.
Week2- Jesus Christ can heal the sick.
Prepare to tell the story when Jesus healed the Nephites (3 Nephi 17). Ask the children to raise their hand if the have ever been healed or knew someone who had. Ask them if Jesus came down and healed them. Tell them that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ gave us 2 gifts- Prayer and Priesthood Blessings so that we can be healed. I used gift bags and cut a square out- put a gift bow on the top and labeled on Prayer- one Priesthood Blessings. In the center of the board I hung a picture of Jesus healing the Nephites. The labeled gifts one on each side. Then I made a couple more gifts with bows with a story on the back. I held up all the gifts and had a child pick one, I read the story and asked them if they were healed through prayer or Priesthood Blessing and they hung it on that side. I used one personal story of a child in the primary, one of George Albert Smith (As a young boy, George Albert Smith was very ill with typhoid fever, a disease that killed many people at that time. The doctor advised his mother to give him coffee to drink, but George refused it. Instead, he asked for a priesthood blessing from their ward (home) teacher. The next morning, when the doctor arrived, he found George Albert in the yard, playing. “I was grateful to the Lord for my recovery,” he said. “I was sure that He had healed me.”) A story from the friend called Nora's Blessing, and one called Mimi's Testimony- I only told the 2nd half of that one. That filled all the time exactly.
Week 3- Jesus Christ has power over death.
Start by having the children list the things that they know that Jesus Christ can do. ( heal, teach, love, make the earth, etc) Talk about how He raised the dead. That Christ has power of death. Bring some simple costumes (scarf, robe, etc) for teachers to wear as they read the following stories or others you pick: raising of Lazarus (John 11:1–45); the raising of Jairus’s daughter (Mark 5:21–24, 35–43); the raising of the widow’s son (Luke 7:11–16); and the Resurrection (John 20:1–18). The other thing you could do is have children dress up instead of teachers. Testify that Jesus Christ has power over death and that each of us will be resurrected.
Week 4- Miracles come to those who have faith.
Write on the board Doctrine and Covenants63:9: “But, behold, faith cometh not by signs, but signs follow those that believe.” Explain that the word signs in this scripture can also mean miracles. Have the children stand and read the scripture aloud together. Point out the word faith. Explain that miracles are not always dramatic events and that we must first have faith, and then we will recognize miracles in our lives. Also
explain that even though we have faith, we will still experience sorrow, pain, and suffering, but God is aware of our needs and will care for us. Make a simple matching/memory game to introduce each scripture story, by preparing 2 cards that say- MOSES, WIDOW OF ZAREPHATH, DANIEL & LION'S DEN, BROTHER OF JARED, NEPHI & LEHI (in prison) As a match is found, tell in your own words the story. You can again include families in your own ward with personal experiences. Testify that as we have faith, we will see miracles in our lives.
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